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Pet Care Know-Hows

Displaying posts in cats

Pet Care While on Vacation or Away

Pet Care While on Vacation or Away

No matter how much you love your pet, there are times when you will need to be away from home, so who will care for your dog or cat while you're on vacation or can't be home with them? Our Greensboro vets share advice on what to do with your cat or dog while you travel.

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Caring For Your Cat After Surgery

Caring For Your Cat After Surgery

Following surgery, it is important to give special attention to your cat's care in order to avoid re-opening or aggravating the incision site. In today's post our Greensboro vets share strategies for helping your cat recover from surgery, including how to keep your cat from jumping after surgery.

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When To Take Your Cat To The Vet For Limping

When To Take Your Cat To The Vet For Limping

Our feline friends are curious and active animals, and the odds are good that most cats will hurt themselves at some time in their life whether they are indoor creatures or outdoor adventurers. Here our Greensboro veterinary team explains why cats limp and what you should do if your cat is limping.

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Why Routine Exams Are Important For Your Pet's Health

Why Routine Exams Are Important For Your Pet's Health

Wondering why you should take your cat or dog to the vet when they seem perfectly healthy? Taking your healthy animal for a routine exam gives your veterinarian the opportunity to monitor your pet's overall health and check for early signs of developing health issues. Here's what you can expect from your pet's routine exam and more about why these pet checkups are important.

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How to Clean Your Cat's Teeth

How to Clean Your Cat's Teeth

Oral health issues can be just as painful for our feline friends as they are for us. In fact, mouth and tooth pain can even prevent your feline friend from eating. Here, our Greensboro vets explain some of the best ways to keep your cat's whole mouth clean and healthy.

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What are the symptoms of end stage kidney failure in cats?

What are the symptoms of end stage kidney failure in cats?

Your cat's kidneys perform several important functions that are essential for keeping your kitty healthy. Here, our Greensboro vets explain kidney failure in cats, potential causes, treatments and signs of end stage kidney failure.

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Do cats get ear infections?

Do cats get ear infections?

Ear infections are relatively uncommon in cats but when they do occur they can be an indication of an underlying issue that requires veterinary attention. Here our Greensboro vets explain some of the causes, symptoms and treatments for ear infections in cats.

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Cat Urinary Tract Infection - What You Need To Know

Cat Urinary Tract Infection - What You Need To Know

Although cat urinary tract infections are rare compared to the occurrence of UTIs in dogs, cats (particularly senior cats) can experience a host of other urinary tract issues that cause similar symptoms. Today our Greensboro vets share the symptoms, causes and treatments for urinary tract infections and diseases in cats.

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What To Do If You Think Your Cat May Be Overweight

What To Do If You Think Your Cat May Be Overweight

While you may think of your cat as cute and cuddly, carrying extra weight can negatively impact your cat's health and longevity. Here, our Greensboro vets explain how you can tell if your cat is overweight, and what you should do. 

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Symptoms of Fungal Infections in Cats

Symptoms of Fungal Infections in Cats

A fungal infection can make your kitty uncomfortable and have a major impact on their health - in addition to leaving you vulnerable to infection. Our Greensboro vets discuss causes, symptoms and treatment for fungal infection in cats.

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